by For The Public Adjusters. Inc. | Mar 1, 2017 | Denied Claims, Hail Damage, Home owners insurance, Insurance Claim help, Public Adjuster News, Storm Damage, Success Stories |
A jury awarded $72,000 to homeowner for hail and wind damage . State Farm refused to fully pay their insured after their home was damaged by a severe thunderstorm. Mr. & Mrs. J. Cantu suffered wind and hail damage to their home in May of 2014. The Cantu’s...
by For The Public Adjusters. Inc. | Feb 22, 2017 | Denied Claims, Fire Claims, Home owners insurance, Insurance Claim help, Storm Damage |
Many people ask themselves, “Should I use a public adjuster?” Suffering damage to your home, business, or property can be overwhelming. In an effort to avoid the hassles and stress of dealing with the claim, you may be considering speaking with and...
by For The Public Adjusters. Inc. | Jan 4, 2017 | Home owners insurance, Hurricane Claims, Insurance Claim help, Public Adjuster News, Storm Damage, Success Stories, Tornado Damage, Water Damage Claims |
By now you should know that a Public Claims Adjuster (some refer to as Private Adjusters) is who you should call to obtain the most accurate proceeds from an insurance claim. If you have recently faced a tragedy and suffered damages to your home or business, apart...
by For The Public Adjusters. Inc. | Jul 6, 2016 | Public Adjuster News, Insurance Claim help, Storm Damage, Success Stories |
Public Adjusters: When most people have a rough incident at their home, where something is either destroyed by storms, theft or fire, most people will turn to their homeowner’s insurance to take care of their loss. But what happens when the homeowner’s insurance comes...
by For The Public Adjusters. Inc. | Sep 19, 2015 | Hurricane Claims, Insurance Claim help, Public Adjuster News, Storm Damage, Tornado Damage |
With hurricanes on the horizon and severe storms that rumble every week, mаnу аrе finding thеmѕеlvеѕ in a storm damage claim dispute wіth thеіr insurance companies оvеr hоw muсh the storm dаmаgе should cost to repair. If you think your insurance company will...
by For The Public Adjusters. Inc. | Sep 14, 2015 | Fire Claims, Hail Damage, Hurricane Claims, Insurance Claim help, Public Adjuster News, Storm Damage, Success Stories, Tornado Damage, Water Damage Claims |
Evеn thоugh уоur claim hаѕ bееn settled, уоu mау ѕtіll bе entitled tо additional claim proceeds. Insurance companies оftеn fail tо properly determine thе extent оf claim damage, producing an evaluation thаt іѕ significantly lower іn value thаn whаt you ought tо bе...