What is A Public Adjuster – Why And When To Use A Public Insurance Adjuster? Independent Public Insurance Adjusters Work For YOU, Not The Insurance Company http://www.forthepublicadjusters.com A public adjuster is a professional claim handler/ claims adjuster who advocates for the policyholder in appraising and negotiating a policyholders insurance claim What is the difference between a public adjuster and an insurance adjuster? An insurance adjuster works for the insurance company. Whereas a Public Insurance Adjuster works for YOU, the policyholder, against your insurance company. They have an adjuster, you should too. Should I hire a public adjuster? Why and when to use a public adjuster? Do not hire a public adjuster until you watch this. If you get a public adjuster involved from the beginning stages of your insurance claim the public adjuster can then meet with the insurance company adjuster and have input on the claim and the associated damages. If your insurance company offers you less than you need to repair your home after a fire, water damage, wind or hail storm, tornado or hurricane, hire a public claims adjuster that works for you and who doesn’t get paid unless you get paid. What A Public Adjuster Does For You & Why And When To Use A Public Adjuster? Our independent, public insurance adjusters are licensed in both NC and VA. Questions to Ask and Things You Should Know Before Hiring a Public Adjuster What is A Public Adjuster, insurance claims adjuster, public adjuster, North Carolina Public Adjuster, North Carolina, what is the difference between a public adjuster, who is the best public adjuster, insurance claim, should i hire a public adjuster, public insurance adjuster, Public adjuster NC, Public adjuster VA, WHY YOU NEED A PUBLIC ADJUSTER, Insurance claim help, insurance claims adjuster, what is the difference between a public adjuster and an insurance adjuster, Fire Damage, water damage, homeowner claims, claims adjuster, leaking pipes, Fire Restoration, when to use a public adjuster, how to use a public adjuster, frozen pipes, Property inspection, house fire help, Free homeowners policy revies.
Zebulon NC Public Adjuster Near Me
Your Insurance Company Has An Adjuster.
You Should Too!
Zebulon NC Public Adjuster Advocate: There is a significant conflict of interest when an insurance company sends out their adjuster—someone they pay—to determine how much they owe on your claim.
THEIR Adjuster,
Who is someone THEY pay
To determine HOW MUCH
THEY will pay-out
Your Zebulon NC public adjuster will work on your behalf so that YOU, the policyholder, receives the maximum amount you are entitled to for the claim damages suffered. We offer a FREE REVIEW of your insurance claim.
At For The Public Adjusters Zebulon NC, our team of professional, state-licensed public insurance adjusters, is ready to represent YOU – just like the adjuster that represents your insurance company.
Have Questions? Speak To A Public Adjuster
Have all your property claim damage questions answered for free. No sales pitch, No pressure. Just answers.How Can A Zebulon NC Public Adjuster Help You?
We are independent public insurance adjusters serving the Zebulon, NC area. For The Public Adjusters, Inc. can help you navigate the complex insurance claims process. We specialize in maximizing settlements for homeowners facing losses from fire, smoke, water, flooding, wind, theft, hail, and hurricanes. We’ll fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.
Independent Public Insurance Adjuster On YOUR Side
As if severe damage to your property isn’t challenging enough, the second ordeal often involves dealing with your insurance company or their adjuster.
Many Zebulon insurance claims can become highly complicated due to the extensive damage to property.
And, as you might expect, most insurance companies want you to believe they will fulfill their policy obligations and cover all damages incurred.
Yet, more Zebulon area policyholders are finding themselves fighting with insurance company representatives.
Insurance company adjusters act like policyholders are trying to take “their personal money.”
The facts are clear when it comes to any type of claim you have. It’s not the
It’s your money!
You, the policyholder, the person who has paid the premiums, are entitled to the full “Amount of Loss,” for the damages that your home or business has suffered.
You should consider a Zebulon NC public adjuster that is working for you, not the insurance company.
You should not consider fighting a homeowners or business owners claim alone.
Well, technically, you can. But, we encourage you to bring in the Zebulon area experts. Here’s why:
1. Their Adjuster
The insurance company will send out a claims adjuster (a hired gun) that works for “them” to assess and value the property damage you have suffered.
2. Their Advice
‘Their’ adjuster will advise you on how much ‘they’ owe for your claim. Or worse yet, how much “they” are willing to pay for the damage “you” have suffered.
3. Their Play
How do you know if ‘they’ are correct, or missing items, or purposely excluding others?
They sure have a lot of advantages by sending
their claims adjuster to your property.
Can You See How Your Insurance Carrier Holds All The Power Over You, The Process, And The Value Of Your Claim?
Shouldn’t You Consider A Representative, Who Is Looking Out For You, To Assess And Value The Property Damages You’ve Suffered As Well?
Would it make sense to enter a legal matter without proper representation? It’s like asking the IRS to handle your taxes—something no reasonable person would do. So why let your insurance company determine the value of your claim?
There’s a significante Conflict of Interest when an insurance company represenative represents both sides of the claim.
It makes sense, right? Would you want to stand trial for murder without an attorney? Would you feel comfortable if the jury only heard from the state’s attorney or the victim’s attorney?
Sounds absurd, doesn’t it?
Can you see the issue and the conflict of interest in a claims process where only one adjuster—who works for the insurance company—is involved?
Who is working on your behalf? Who is representing the policyholder, homeowner, or business owner?
Unfortunately, in most cases, no one is there to guide and assist you. Homeowners are often left to handle the claim on their own.
Or worse, many simply rely on the insurance company’s adjuster to determine the value of their loss.
1. Do You Know?
How do you know if the insurance company is paying all that your insurance policy allows?
2. Your Policy?
Do you know and understand everything in your policy?
3. Coverage?
Do you understand your coverage and the convoluted language of the insurance policy?
4. Your Costs?
Do you understand all the cost of repairing or replacing your home or building?
Insurance companies do not want anyone representing you.
They know that your inexperience will save them tens of thousands of dollars by minimizing your claim!
Having an Independent Zebulon NC Public Adjuster working for you will increase your claim proceeds by 747%.
Keep this fact in mind.
A Study conducted by the ‘Office of Program Policy Analysis & Government Accountability (OPPAGA)’ stated the following:
“Policy holders with public adjuster representation typically received higher settlements than those without public adjusters.
Policyholders that filed catastrophe claims in 2008 and 2009 generally received larger insurance settlements than policyholders that did not hire these persons.
“The typical payment to a policyholder represented by a public adjuster was $22,266 for claims filed in 2008 and 2009 related to the 2006 hurricanes.
“In contrast, policyholders who did not use a public adjuster received typical payments of $18,659.
“The difference in payments was larger for claims related to 2005 hurricanes, with public adjuster claims resulting in payments that were 747% higher.”
As a Zebulon area resident, can you really afford to give up an additional 300% to 1500% in claim proceeds by dealing with the insurance company by yourself?.
Take action now!
We are Public Insurance Adjusters providing residential & commercial claim help in the Zebulon, NC area. We are local and located NEAR YOU!
At the very least, speak to a Zebulon NC Public Adjuster to get some advice. It does not cost anything to speak to someone.
Frequently Asked Questions About Public Adjusters
Are Public Adjusters Worth The Money?
A survey conducted by bankrate concluded that many people believe that hiring a public adjuster is worth the additional cost, primarily for the peace of mind that comes with avoiding the stress of managing the claims process alone. Moreover, a public adjuster thoroughly reviews your claim to ensure no damage is missed.
Things You Shouldn't Say To Your Insurance Adjuster?
When speaking with your adjuster, avoid admitting fault or accepting liability, as such statements could be used to shift blame and potentially reduce your compensation.
Instead, stick to describing the damage and recounting the events factually, without offering personal opinions about who might be responsible. Maintaining this neutral approach helps ensure objectivity and prevents the adjuster from drawing premature conclusions.
What Does A Public Adjuster Do?
Public adjusters are insurance claims professionals who work exclusively for policyholders, not insurance companies. Their role is to assist in the preparation, presentation, and negotiation of insurance claim settlements. They are typically compensated by charging a percentage of the settlement amount, which can change depending on the complexity and size of the claim. In North Carolina, public adjusters must be licensed, bonded, and pass state-administered exams to practice.
How Can Public Adjusters Increase My Claim Proceeds
A public adjuster works to maximize the compensation you receive for your claim. They understand the value of your damages and know what can be included to ensure you get the highest possible settlement, reducing or even eliminating out-of-pocket expenses. This expertise can significantly impact the amount you recover from your insurance company.
Carriers and their hired guns are motivated by reducing your claims payout. It's to their advantage to low-ball the value of the claim to save the company money.
We will asnswer your questions at NO COST. Call (567) 888-HELP (4357)to have all your questions answered. Or fill out our Contact Form and someone will call you at the time you select.
For The Public Adjusters List Of Services Near You
Fire Claims
Many policyholders allow their insurance company's adjuster to inspect their building, estimate and process their entire claim, and generate a value of their full fire insurance claim — without asking any questions. Without even considering if the insurance adjuster is correct! We are IICRC Certified for Fire Damage.
Water Damage
Water damage from broken pipes, overflows, appliances, rainstorms, etc. is one of the most common types of property damage claims. The costs of drying and reconstruction after water infiltration are very costly. Insurance company adjusters are NOT Water Damage Certified. However, OUR ADJUSTERS ARE!
Wind Damage
Many home and business owners can see damage to their properties. However, most wind and hail damage cannot be seen. Not having your home properly inspected can result in Tens Of Thousands of dollars in damages over and above the damages caused by the storm. We will inspect your damages at NO COST!
Hail Damage
Recovering financially from a hail damage claim can be challenging. Many claims adjusters and carriers often have different standards or guidelines in their claim processing manuals of what is considered hail damage and/or how many hail hits are needed to consider coverage. Our trained Public Adjusters got you covered.
Hurricane Claims
Hurricanes spread devastation throughout North Carolina. The aftermath leaves you on an unfamiliar playing field; dealing with an unfair insurance company holding the money you need and acting like your claim proceeds is personal money from their personal bank account.
Tornado Claims
It is not unusual for property insurance companies to deny claims, or fail to adequately and promptly pay for the damages after a storm. These insurance companies refuse to cover damages to your house or building, personal property and other coverage for which you have paid premiums.
Theft / Vandalism
A theft or vandalism is not only a breach of personal security and a major source of anxiety, but it's often also the beginning of a long battle with insurance companies for proper coverage. Most theft claims can be very complex due to the large amounts of property that is damaged.
Get Started
For The Public Adjusters, Inc. will answer your insurance claim related questions and provide advice and assistance for insurance related damages that are a result of fire, smoke, wind, water, flood damage, theft, hail, and hurricanes. Speak with a Licensed Public Adjuster today!
Public Adjuster Zebulon Tips & Resources
Fallen Tree Insurance Claim – How to Fight Insurance Adjuster
Fallen tree insurance claim can turn ugly when you have to fight your insurance company for a fair settlement. What can you do?
Water Damage Claims Help – Consider A Public Adjuster
Water damage to your NC home can leave you feeling helpless. Your insurance company has their own adjusters protecting their interests, but you have the right to one that works for you.
Property Damage Claim Help Is Just A Public Adjuster Away
If you find yourself struggling to navigate the complexities of your property damage claim, a public adjuster can be your strongest ally.
Insurance claim damage tips for new or open property claims
Tip 1: Obtain Details Of Your Home Building
Claim Tip 1. During Your Claim Process — Obtain Details Of Your Home Building – Take the time to inspect and document as much of the claim damages you can yourself. If not, hire someone to do it for you. Take photos of each damaged room and even each undamaged room in your home or building. Start by taking an overview picture of the room with the worst damage. Additionally, take close-up photos of the claim damage from the ceiling down.
For example; overview photo of the entire room. Then overview photo of the damaged ceiling, the close up photos of ceiling damage. Continue with an overview of the walls, then close up photos of the walls. Next, take overviews of the windows, then close up photos showing any damage to the windows. Continue with the doors, and finish the same way with the floors.
Work your way around your house or building to your left (clockwise). Before you enter the next closet, hall, or room, take an overview and proceed as explained. This is a very easy way to organize and keep track of which photos belong to which rooms. (No pictures or close up pics of any contents yet, just the rooms.)
Tip 2: Document Your Belongings Damage
Claim Tip 2. During The Claim Process – Document Your Belongings/Contents – Next task will be to document and inventory your damaged belongings (clothing, furniture, electronics, appliances, etc.). Start by revisiting each room again in the same order you did before.
Take overview photos of each piece of furniture, each electronics item, pair of shoes, shirts, pants, etc. Then take close-up photos of any damage on that individual item. Write each item down on a Contents Inventory Form. Using the same format of photographing and organizing your room damage photos, you should use the same format to organize your contents. For example, take an overview photo of your master bedroom, then work your way to the left (clockwise) around the room. List and photograph each item, on each wall until you arrive back at the doorway where you began. Using this clockwise inspection process you will not miss or forget items you own that have suffered damage.
Once you have documented all items within your master bedroom, continue the same process in the master closet, then the master bathroom. Once completed, move to the next room of your home or business and start with an overview photo of that room. This keeps the rooms and contents within them organized. Your inventory sheets should list the name of the room at the top of each page. The list is now in line with the photos in an organized manner and sequence.
Tip 3: Review Of Your Policy
Claim Tip 3. During Claim Process – Review Of Your Policy – Insurance claim victims should set aside some time to review their insurance policy. Most policyholders are unfamiliar with basic policy information, such as:
- How much coverage they have on their home or building.
- How much coverage is available for their contents (furniture, clothing, etc.).
- How much coverage they have to stay out of their home for hotels or to rent a business location, rental home or even rent furniture
Surprisingly, most policyholders have no idea about any of this basic information. Unfortunately, for most, their policy has been damaged by the event. In such instances, you can visit your agent and request a “certified true copy” of your full insurance policy and all its endorsements. It is also recommended to request that your agent explain how much coverage you have available in your policy.
Tip 4: Consult With A Professional
Claim Tip 4. Before or During Claim Process – Consult With A Professional – Your insurance company sends the insurance adjuster they assigned to your claim to inspect your claim damage and generate estimates on the amount of damage they think you have incurred. It is extremely important that you have that same exact process conducted on your behalf. How do you know the insurance adjuster assigned by your carrier has completed their job thoroughly and correctly? Should you be willing to forfeit tens-of-thousands or even hundreds-of-thousands of dollars by not taking the necessary steps to be sure?
Your insurance adjuster should explain all the insurance claim coverage that is available to you under your policy. However, this type of detailed explanation is rarely disclosed or offered to you. Often, this lack of disclosure is conducted on purpose, and on other occasions, it’s also done on purpose. Did you read that? Forgetting to advise you of certain coverage is usually withheld until you ask. More often than not it’s done on purpose. This is your home or building, it’s your belongings, it’s your money, and it is your coverage because you paid for it. You must educate yourself to ensure you’re being fully compensated for the fire damages you have suffered.
With all this being said, you should consider hiring a insurance claim professional.
The insurance company has their hired adjuster — shouldn’t you have your own hired adjuster? A Public Insurance Adjuster is someone who can look out for you and look over the shoulder of your insurance company, their estimates, their inventory lists, the amounts they have allotted and your amount of loss. You need to know by obtaining the assistance needed to obtain the real-world costs and valuations required to repair or replace your damaged property.
We will answer your questions at NO COST. Call (567) 888-HELP (4357) to have all your questions answered. Or fill out our Contact Form and someone will call you at the time you select.